Updates the specified EKS cloud config's machine pool
Updates the specified EKS cloud config's machine pool
Path Parameters
Cluster's cloud config uid
Machine pool name
Header Parameters
Scope the request to the specified project uid
- application/json
Array [
Array [
Array [
Array [
AWSLaunchTemplate specifies the launch template to use to create the managed node group
AdditionalSecurityGroups is an array of references to security groups that should be applied to the instances
ARN of resource
Filters is a set of key/value pairs used to identify a resource
Name of the filter. Filter names are case-sensitive
Values includes one or more filter values. Filter values are case-sensitive
ID of resource
AMI is the reference to the AMI from which to create the machine instance
Possible values: [AmazonLinux
, AmazonLinuxGPU
EKSOptimizedLookupType If specified, will look up an EKS Optimized image in SSM Parameter store
ID of resource
ImageLookupBaseOS is the name of the base operating system to use for image lookup the AMI is not set
ImageLookupFormat is the AMI naming format to look up the image
ImageLookupOrg is the AWS Organization ID to use for image lookup if AMI is not set
Volume encapsulates the configuration options for the storage device.
Device name
EncryptionKey is the KMS key to use to encrypt the volume. Can be either a KMS key ID or ARN
EncryptionKey is the KMS key to use to encrypt the volume. Can be either a KMS key ID or ARN
IOPS is the number of IOPS requested for the disk. Not applicable to all types
Throughput to provision in MiB/s supported for the volume type. Not applicable to all types.
Type is the type of the volume (e.g. gp2, io1, etc...)
Possible values: [on-demand
, spot
Default value: on-demand
EC2 instance capacity type
flag to know if aws launch template is enabled
instance type
Possible values: >= 1
and <= 2000
rootDeviceSize in GBs
SpotMarketOptions defines the options available to a user when configuring Machines to run on Spot instances. Most users should provide an empty struct.
MaxPrice defines the maximum price the user is willing to pay for Spot VM instances
Machine pool configuration for the cluster
Additional labels to be part of the machine pool
AdditionalTags is an optional set of tags to add to resources managed by the provider, in addition to the ones added by default. For eg., tags for EKS nodeGroup or EKS NodegroupIAMRole
Whether this pool is for control plane
Labels for this machine pool, example: master/worker, gpu, windows
Machine pool specific properties
Possible values: [amd64
, arm64
Default value: amd64
Max size of the pool, for scaling
Min size of the pool, for scaling
Minimum number of seconds a node should be Ready, before the next node is selected for repave. Applicable only for workerpools in infrastructure cluster
Size of the pool, number of nodes/machines
Master or worker taints
Possible values: [NoSchedule
, PreferNoSchedule
, NoExecute
The taint key to be applied to a node
Time is a wrapper around time.Time which supports correct marshaling to YAML and JSON. Wrappers are provided for many of the factory methods that the time package offers.
The taint value corresponding to the taint key.
UpdatesStrategy will be used to translate to RollingUpdateStrategy of a MachineDeployment We'll start with default values for the translation, can expose more details later Following is details of parameters translated from the type ScaleOut => maxSurge=1, maxUnavailable=0 ScaleIn => maxSurge=0, maxUnavailable=1
Possible values: [RollingUpdateScaleOut
, RollingUpdateScaleIn
update strategy, either ScaleOut or ScaleIn if empty, will default to RollingUpdateScaleOut
If IsControlPlane==true && useControlPlaneAsWorker==true, then will remove master taint this will not be used for worker pools
- 204
The resource was updated successfully